About Me

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We are a non-profit orginazation at Abraham Lincoln High School. We learn the basics of media literacy, and media programs from Adobe Photoshop to Game Salad, and Garage Band. We are on a mission to promote Recycling Rewards. So check us out and tell a friend!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Video Team News

    The first video that the video team made was called "Be that dude" about a recycling can and a trash can on two different sides of the hallway and we had Will as the main character. Will had the drink in his hand and he decides whether or not he wants to put it in the recycling bin or the trash can and he shoots for the trash can and Brian blocks it and they just basically go back and forth about why he should put it in the recycling bin .
    The second video is called "A night at the Movies" the main characters are Toni and Brian. They are coming from the movie theatre and Toni has a bottle and a potato chip bag and Brian is walking and she drops the trash on the ground and theres a trash can right next to them , Brian looks at her and asks why she didn't throw it in the trash and she said why should I pick it up and then Brian leaves her and Will asks why is Brian leaving and he said they don't get down with littering.

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