About Me

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We are a non-profit orginazation at Abraham Lincoln High School. We learn the basics of media literacy, and media programs from Adobe Photoshop to Game Salad, and Garage Band. We are on a mission to promote Recycling Rewards. So check us out and tell a friend!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Good vs.Evil

This video is good vs. Eviiill lol. Directed by Terrell staring Laura, Myson and Terrence .I think Terrence played a very good trash monster  he was definitely funny and entertaining .I wished it had a lot more comedy and more effects but over all i liked it.

Youth Workers @ Work

so we have been working hard and long in the computer lap and came up with about 10 video games 5 songs 8 videos tons of graphic posters and we have been having fun doing it. We also recently were picked to go to the convention center and show judges our projects.We were very honored but sadly we didn't win or even place in the top three because of a misunderstanding so next year coming up we definitely will be coming for that win and there will be nothing in our way to stop us we have great supervisor's that have really gave us a lot of help .

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Video Team News

    The first video that the video team made was called "Be that dude" about a recycling can and a trash can on two different sides of the hallway and we had Will as the main character. Will had the drink in his hand and he decides whether or not he wants to put it in the recycling bin or the trash can and he shoots for the trash can and Brian blocks it and they just basically go back and forth about why he should put it in the recycling bin .
    The second video is called "A night at the Movies" the main characters are Toni and Brian. They are coming from the movie theatre and Toni has a bottle and a potato chip bag and Brian is walking and she drops the trash on the ground and theres a trash can right next to them , Brian looks at her and asks why she didn't throw it in the trash and she said why should I pick it up and then Brian leaves her and Will asks why is Brian leaving and he said they don't get down with littering.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Video Team

This Video That The Video Team Created Is About Littering. 

Graphics Team

The Graphics Team Are MAking Posters To Promote Recycling Rewards Program & Here Are Some Examples

Video Team

The Video Team At Work, They Have Made A Hit Video !
The video team is trying to get the word out that teen pregnancy is preventable. The video team made a video about teen pregnancy  because it is one of the biggest problems with teens today. the audience that the video team targeted were teens. the video team appealed to the audience by using real life situations and the preferred way to handle it.

Audio Team

This is the podcast from the Audio Team .

Game Team

The Game Team Has Created A Game Similar To "Angry Birds" And It Has Recycling Concepts To It.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Media Teams

    The audio team is coming up with new beats. They are also making podcast. Some of the beats that the audio team are making are going to the video and game teams.
    The video team is making videos about teen pregnancy and recycling. They are trying to reach out to every age group in their videos. Right now they are editing their videos so that they can be ready for the public.
     The graphics team is making new graphics. They are doing a recycling themed graphic. They are editing their graphics so that they will look cool and catch peoples eye.
    The game team is making games and testing them. Recycling-man is a spoof of Pac-man. The game team is in the process of making new games for next week.
  All the teams are trying to keep our viewers entertain by updating the teams work.


Those Are Examples Of Bottles You Can Recycle ! 

Let's Recycle

There's A Difference Between Trash & Recyclable Trash. We Have Learned That There Are Things You Can Recycle & Things That Just Belong In A Plain Trash Can. Things Such As Paper, Plastic Bottles, Cardboard, Metal, Glass, and So Much More. Now They Have Things At Department Stores Where You Can Recycle Cell Phones, iPods, Tablet, and More. An Example Is Target. On Plastic Bottles There Are Numbers On The Bottle Of Them To Determine If They Are Recyclable Or Not. In The City Of Philadelphia Numbers 1-7 Are Recyclable.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Youth Workers

These are the youth workers of Educations Works at Lincoln High School working on learning how to operate new programs such as Game Salad, Adobe Photoshop and Garage Band. Our goal is to promote the Philadelphia program Recycling Rewards.