About Me

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We are a non-profit orginazation at Abraham Lincoln High School. We learn the basics of media literacy, and media programs from Adobe Photoshop to Game Salad, and Garage Band. We are on a mission to promote Recycling Rewards. So check us out and tell a friend!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Good vs.Evil

This video is good vs. Eviiill lol. Directed by Terrell staring Laura, Myson and Terrence .I think Terrence played a very good trash monster  he was definitely funny and entertaining .I wished it had a lot more comedy and more effects but over all i liked it.

Youth Workers @ Work

so we have been working hard and long in the computer lap and came up with about 10 video games 5 songs 8 videos tons of graphic posters and we have been having fun doing it. We also recently were picked to go to the convention center and show judges our projects.We were very honored but sadly we didn't win or even place in the top three because of a misunderstanding so next year coming up we definitely will be coming for that win and there will be nothing in our way to stop us we have great supervisor's that have really gave us a lot of help .